Saturday, November 6, 2010


Whats deepavali means to different people ???

To a Friend busy in professional life.
1) few days off from work , time to relax at home , eat well , watch a movie.
2) goto native participate in some puja with parents.
3) goto a long trip say to goa drink well, eat well, make some comments to the people around.
4) group together with friends make some party inside home again eat well, drink well, discuss things that neither makes difference to self or anybody else just to show off the competition of how better one can hurt the ego of others indirectly and laugh at it.

To a Friend busy with studies.
1) goto native participate in some puja with parents, relax at home , eat well , watch a movie.
2) study little more and finish of most of the pending stuff and plan for further days.

To a kid
1) crackers crackers crackers.
2) sweets sweets sweets.
3) new dresses.
4) new movies on television.

To parents
1) lots of shopping.
2) preparation for food and rituals at home.

To me
1) Make the above observations and ending up with no conclusions, instead in a post like this on a blog to increase the blog count.

2) Wondering how important a festival is for man's life if he feels happy all the time, if he is not bothered much about what happens in the outside world when he is true to it and true to himself.

Anyway Happy deepavali to everyone for celebrating it in their own ways with the relative beliefs. Take care

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